MEDICAIDMissouri Medicaid Expansion: More Low-Income Patients Now Qualify for CoverageThe Missouri Supreme Court ruled an order in July of 2021 instructing the state to proceed with Medicaid expansion.
PROVIDER CREDENTIALINGWhat Happens When Provider Credentials Expire?The effects of expired provider credentials and explain how you can avoid these negative outcomes.
LAWS & REGULATIONSOrdering, Prescribing, and Referring (OPR) Provider Enrollment FAQsEven if you do not submit claims to Medicaid, you are required to complete OPR provider enrollment if you are an ordering, prescribing, and
PATIENT ELIGIBILITYWhy Outsource Patient Eligibility Services?Here are just a few reasons to outsource patient eligibility services.
PATIENT ELIGIBILITYEligibilityOne COVID-19 ResponseThe coronavirus (COVID-19) is affecting all individuals and organizations in significant ways –